Family Law, also referred to as matrimonial law, or domestic relations law is any case dealing with family matters or domestic relations. Darren Day has experience working with all divisions of family law and will work to get you through any case as painless and stress-free as possible. Day Law Firm is a full-service law office located on South Evans Street, in Greenville, NC. From name changes, domestic violence, mediation, to private investigation cases, Day Law Firm will work with your case.
Separation Agreements and Divorce
Unfortunately, not all relationships survive, understand that if this happens to you, your rights will be protected. This is a critical time to organize safety, finances, property, and children for the long term. Make sure you are being protected and are receiving what you deserve. 50% of married couples in the United States get divorced, you are not alone. The Day Law Firm will work with you through every step of the way, ensuring a fair trial and the results you deserve.
Child Custody and Child Support
The relationship you have with your children is one of the most crucial relationships you will ever have. Make sure your interests are represented in court accurately. This is often one of the largest battles financially that people struggle with. As a family law firm, the Day Law Firm will personally help you and your family come to agreements which meets your needs.
The Day Law Firm has years of experience with all types of adoptions, no matter what the circumstances. This can be a strenuous time-consuming process. Let us help you and your family get through this as stress-free and simple as it should be.
For more written information about Day Law Firm’s qualifications and experience, please Contact us or give us a call, 252-321-5555.